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America’s Patriots & Veterans: Help Us Make the Movie That Hollywood Won’t!

Wall of Honor

We wanted to create a space to extend our heartfelt gratitude for our donors, as well as a place to honor the veterans that have served within their families for our great country – the Wall of Honor.

Honor the loved ones in your life that have served by making a $100 donation, and telling us their name in the comments section when you donate. We welcome you to share their story with us. 

* This section will be monitored & updated weekly.

Support the Project

Our crucial mission cannot be completed without your help.

We are calling on America’s Patriots & Veterans to make a donation towards this worthy project which was started more than 10 years ago.

May all of you, as Americans, never forget your heroic origins and never fail to seek divine guidance… We are forever indebted to those that have given their lives that we might be free.